Sarafina Nyawira
Finding inspiration | Goals | Goal setting | Working on self.
+254 763-254-916
Nairobi, Kenya


Get Goals with me …Let’s Talk New Year Goals!😍🎉

Date: January 1st, 2021. Would you believe it? It’s a new year peeps, we made it!!😍

Mood: A mixture of happiness, self-doubt, shaky confidence, fear, anxiety and excitement all at once. 🙌

Day Update: It’s a Sunny Afternoon, and top on my playlist is Bobby V’s 2005 Hit Song, Slow Down. 🎵

Life Update: I wrote this at a point where I felt really shaky. I was a day or two at my new work place and I don’t know, new places seem to disturb my introvert nature.🌱

The meeting-new-people part is always the most challenging for me. Which seems contradictory to most people because I have a go-getter spirit and I seem sociable. You should have seen me on my first day, I rarely left my desk and worked through some documentation in pindrop silence.😅

Then something hit me! I felt this way because one of my new year goals is to meet lots of people and refresh my connections. I’m the kind of person who puts my all into something I want and I stop at nothing to achieve it.⭐

Back to my work place…. new people. I’m supposed to be making friends at this point but no… my mind just locks out the idea. When I get to this point, I know that something is absolutely wrong with me, so I counter-check what I wrote in my diary, hoping for some miracle that will show me how to hack meeting new people without feeling sooo… out of place.😶

Deep breath in….. deep breath out….

“Obstacles can’t stop you. Problems can’t stop you. Most of all, other people can’t stop you. Only YOU can stop you.”

— Jeffrey Gitomer.

We set goals, realize milestones and invest in the future with hope of a better tomorrow. And that’s just it, because hope keeps us going. It gives us faith, gives us purpose, reason to hold on. We pin alot on this one special significant feeling: hope. I’ll start. I hope to one day become a successful entrepreneur. This hope, therefore, gives me the urge to want to take small baby steps towards achieving that dream.

Late last year, a good friend of mine asked me how I manage my plans and goals at the beginning of the year. And this post is, my dear ladies and gents, just about our goals for 2021. We are all coming from a year that totally threw most of us behind our plans. I mean, I have friends who had to pause school because of Covid Last Year. So, how do we pick up in 2021 and try to recover what is lost and, for those who were little/not at all affected, how do we keep moving forward? The answer is simple: it’s all dependent on you!😉😘

If there’s anything I learnt last year, it’s to never take things for granted. We get so caught up in a culture of busy-ness that we lose sight of what matters most. We take the good things in our lives for granted. That said, here’s a few tips that could help you out as you make your goals for the beginning of the year:

Tips for achieving your 2021 Goals⭐

✔Break them up in little chunks of achievable tasks – For the longest time, I have made annual goals, and ended up getting exhausted quarterly or halfway into the year. The approach I’m using this year is different. I am doing weekly and monthly goals. By breaking up your goals into small chunks with a smaller time limit, it is easier to see yourself get to the end of your goals, as opposed to setting annual goals.

Have an accountability partner – Share your goals with someone you really trust, preferably someone you stay with or someone who’s close to you. My accountability people are my family and after sharing with them about my plateau with making friends in the work place, they shared some really good tips! Don’t be afraid to ask for help or be vulnerable, because everyone needs that extra push! To get there, you must learn how to get uncomfortable.

Set clear plans on how you’re going to achieve your goals – Get specific with your goals to the letter. I cannot emphasize this enough! Like if your goal is to for example, get more involved with charity, you need to specify everything! Narrow down to what kinds of charity you’d want to be involved with and identify specific organizations that run those charity events. Call up the chairperson and ask about the organization, adjust your schedule and make time to commit to that goal.

A Good Goal Strategy = A Successful 2021!✔

Keep going, even if you hit a plateau – Remember, it is okay to hit a plateau. It is okay to feel like you’re making little or no progress. Once this happens, just take time off. Engage guidance from people who’ve been there before you, consult on new ways to achieve that specific goal, but DON’T GIVE UP, and DON’T PROCRASTINATE. Keep going, no matter how hard it may seem. That’s the only way you can Achieve! (Please watch this video by Regan Hillyer for more guidance on this. It’s a must watch and totally worth it! Thank me later.)

Show up, show up, show up! – Remember, you are the only constant for whatever happens in your life. You are responsible for making things happen, you are responsible for how you react, you are responsible for what changes you make and how effective they are in moulding you. Some goals may be easy to achieve depending on magnitude, while there may be those that require as much as your mental commitment. (These are those tasks that really require quite some effort, for example, a beginner working out😊) Either way, if it’s a goal, it means you’re going to have to commit to making it happen if you want to see results. Go for your goals unapologetically, don’t care what other people think about you, be aggressive, be bold and be daring. Show up FOR YOURSELF!

That said, I hope my ideas kinda give one or two of you a roadmap on how to get some goals achieved for 2021.

Keep shining, keep winning, you got this!

Happy 2021 my lovelies!😍❤

Signing out,



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