Sarafina Nyawira
Finding inspiration | Goals | Goal setting | Working on self.
+254 763-254-916
Nairobi, Kenya


Sending the GPS Deep🤍

Oh my goodness, would you imagine it’s 2022! We made it to the new year guys! If you’re reading this, congratulations for crossing over to the new year! You made it! We made it! Another 365 days that bring forth the hope of new beginnings and new chances.🥳🥳🥳


Hey guys, what’s up everyone and welcome to my blog!🌟

My name is Sarafina Nyawira for those of you who may be new around here and once again, welcome! Those who’ve been with me from day one, or continuing from whichever day you discovered my blog, thank you for always sparing a few minutes of your time to read through my work, like, comment and even share! I have an amazing community and I couldn’t be happier, thank you so much for always coming through and for the immense love and support you all show me!♥️

So, as most of you would expect, and rightfully so, today I want to talk about achieving our goals for the year 2022…

“But I have read hundreds of articles and viewed thousands of videos about goals.😩So why should I stick around and read your post, Serah?

If you find yourself asking yourself the above 👆🏽 question and are thinking of hitting the exit button, allow me to tell you that this post IS NOT just another article. Trust me, I also hate reading articles on the Internet and discovering they are all talking about the same thing 😒

So, we’re all good? Okay, thank you for choosing to read on! Oh and before I forget, please don’t forget to FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE to my blog if you haven’t already!

Now…. for the main agenda of the day….

Sending the GPS deep

Today, I want to go beyond goals at face value, and shift the focus a little bit. I want us to see how we can work on MAKING OURSELVES BETTER to in turn, help us achieve all the goals we’re working towards this year. So here goes….

🍂 C H A R A C T E R C O N T R O L .

Video games are a great analogy for life. I mean, think about it! You go through levels, get thrown off by obstacles, and face several enemies. The game becomes harder as you advance in levels, but its okay because you also become smarter, faster and more skilled.

When playing a video game, you have your own character that you control. The simple fact is… YOUR CHARACTER IS THE ONLY THING THAT YOU CONTROL IN THE GAME. Enemies or Hurdles keep coming, walls keep shrinking and time keeps ticking away. But your one job is to navigate your character through a situation you cannot control.

That’s exactly how you should view life. If you want to take control of your life and achieve even the single smallest goal, you have to understand that there are many things in life you have absolutely no control over and it is inefficient to become frustrated because that’s the reality.

If you can’t control people, then control your reaction to them. If you can’t control a situation, then prepare for it.

While you may have no control over any other thing, you are 100% in control of your character in this game called life – that character is YOU. The best way to get things done for you is to minimize how much you let external factors affect you and focus on your end goal. Push your own buttons!

🍂 C O N Q U E R I N G T H O U G H T S.

To do this, you have to understand your mind and have high emotional intelligence levels. Understand why you feel the way you feel, what prompts you to carry out certain actions, what your triggers are, what causes specific reactions, and what circumstances lead you to make regrettable decisions.

Once you discover all the ins and outs of your mind, you basically have the cheat code to YOUR GAME of life. Notice I said YOUR GAME and not THE GAME of life…

That’s because everyone’s mind is different. The cheat codes you singly discover for your mind CANNOT BE APPLIED to all of humanity.

I was forced to learn how to conquer my thoughts back when I was Miss University in my school. Being a beauty queen is wonderful and so amazing, but let’s face it, people can also be extremely cruel. People somehow feel they have a right to say anything about you, and they won’t even think twice about how it’s bound to make you feel.

What were my cheat codes in dealing with this?

Cheat Code 1️⃣ :

“Maybe they are having a bad day.”

Serah, when people say or do hurtful things to you, there’s a chance they may actually be upset about something else in their life.

Cheat Code 2️⃣ :

“Should other opinions impact what I think about myself?”

Serah, you are already confidently achieved and beautiful in your own way. People’s opinions should hold absolutely no weight in your life because most times, people with opinions are people who I don’t even know. So to each, their own! I refuse to let your bad energy to get to me, Negative Nancy/Ned !

Cheat Code 3️⃣ :

“Maybe I should reply to them?”

Serah, what is your objective with replying? Will you say back something positive, or do you just want to feel better that you had the final word?

If the answer is the latter, I’ll put down my phone and try to make myself feel better in a more constructive way. That way, I choose to understand my impulse and wait to cool off first as opposed to acting on it immediately.

🍂 B E S E C R E T I V E !!!

How many of you have watched the series, MERLIN?

Thanks for nodding your head, those who’ve watched it! I see you!

Now, if you haven’t, you might have watched the series, GAME OF THRONES?

Alright, thanks for those who are nodding their heads at having watched either.

So… if you haven’t, let me give a brief synopsis…

1️⃣ MERLIN :

Merlin is about a servant boy who becomes a servant to the Prince of Camelot, Arthur Pendragon. Now, to many, Merlin seems so simple, harmless even, and he’s mistreated once or twice because people think he’s “just a serving boy”.

However, Merlin has a secret. He has magic. He is the greatest warlock foretold by many warlocks before his time as the single greatest wizard that ever lived. To top it off, he is a Dragon Lord, and the destiny of Camelot rests upon his shoulders, literally.

However, the king, Uther Pendragon, has made Camelot a magic free land, and whoever is caught practicing magic has to really have a death wish because, Uther beheads them mercilessly!

Merlin’s Destiny is to fight alongside Prince Arthur and help him unite the land and bring back the practice of magic by convincing Arthur that magic can be used for good.

To do this, Merlin resorts to doing one very important thing: He keeps his gifts a secret. He knew that had he revealed his identity, he had no chance at all of fulfilling his purpose because the king would have him killed instantly. Merlin knew his own power and kept it a secret so that he could deploy that power and fulfil his purpose as effectively as possible.


You must have heard of Daenerys and Khal Drogo, yes?

My focus is on Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, first of her name, breaker of chains, 1000% power woman!

In season one, episode one, we are introduced to Daenerys in a scene where her brother speaks down to her in a disrespectful manner and she says nothing to defend herself. It’s easy to take this for weakness.

I just started on Season 1 on Thursday, 30th Dec 2021, so I’m not far gone. However, as I watched episode one, two things struck me about the beautiful Daenerys:

🔸️Daenerys goes to take a bath. But not just any bath! The water is clearly steaming hot! In fact, as she enters the tub, her servant tells her, “My lady, the water is too hot,” but Daenerys still enters, no flinching at being burnt, no hesitation.

🔸️During her wedding, Daenerys is gifted with 3 dragon eggs. Later on, Daenerys is seen staring at the eggs while also holding them near a fire. The scene ends with her passing the eggs back to her servant… except the servant’s hands instinctively recoil because the eggs are too hot. She’s unable to hold them without getting burnt (unlike Daenerys).

So what’s my point?

Remember I said Daenerys is the Mother of Dragons? To me, its clear that she didn’t obtain some dragon power one day by luck. She knew she had dragon blood within her all along, but she never told anyone until she could capitalize on that power. She kept her strengths and powers a secret from everyone, including her brother and husband, until it was the perfect moment for her to make her move.

You should know all the entrances and secret passageways of yourself. Know your strengths, weaknesses and fears, and learn whom to tell what. The more you tell people about your fort, the more information you reveal about the secret passageways, hence, the weaker your fort becomes and the easier it is for people to attack you.

Learn how not to give away all your secrets or reveal all your vulnerabilities. Don’t trick yourself into believing that you are obligated to share everything with everyone. IT’S UP TO YOU TO DECIDE WHAT TO REVEAL AND WHEN.

🍂 G E T U N C O M F O R T A B L E .

I can confidently say I’m skilled at many things… but let me pick one to explain this concept: Blogging.

So, I can comfortably say I’m skilled at blogging because I’ve made a lot of mistakes. When I first started blogging, I picked the wrong blogging platform, and it was a horrible experience. Everytime I sent out my links to people, atleast 5 people would always revert with feedback such as “the link is not opening”, “I’m not able to comment” or “the blog post is taking too long to load”, just to mention a few of the many complaints!

Most of the time, I spent trying to make my platform better. I’d install all kinds of plugins to make it work, with little success. So after a while, I closed down the entire blog and deleted my site.

After that, I took time to learn about various platforms, their benefits of the other, and the variety of features that come with each.

Was it hard closing down an entire blog? HELL YES!

But let’s look at the 2 possible scenarios:

1️⃣ Had I choosen to remain on the previous platform:

🔸️I’d still be struggling with 90% feedback being complaints from my audience

🔸️Chances are that I’d have lost a big chunk of my audience

🔸️The frustration would have probably discouraged me from blogging completely

2️⃣ By choosing to take the uncomfortable route, take a step back and learn my stuff:

🔸️ I’m more informed about blogging platforms

🔸️ I restarted my blog loaded with information which has also helped my community to grow

🔸️ I no longer get tonnes of negative feedback as opposed to the first time

Think of discomfort as CURRENCY – It’s the price you have to pay to learn some pretty crucial things.

Don’t give up on your goals if things seem not to be working. Take a step back and if need be, learn your craft. Sometimes, you have to seek out situations that make you uncomfortable and then throw yourself into them IN ORDER TO GROW, CONSEQUENTLY, ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS.

🍂 D I G T O T H E R O O T S .

Sometimes, I’m midway through my day, then I discover that I have a stain on my top. So what do I do? I cover it with my jacket. Problem solved.

Other times, I’ll notice I’ve gained weight, and I don’t want to wear my fitting outfits. So what do I do? I’ll wear my oversize outfits. That way no one will notice my extra pounds. Problem solved!

For most slip-ups in life, it’s easy to find solutions that simply cover up the problem. But when it comes to goals sometimes, a cover-up solution is just not enough. It’s at such times we need to go beyond blanket solutions and get to the root of the problem.

A lot of times, we’re scared to address our inner issues because we don’t think we’ll find a way to fix them. I’m not saying that every deep-rooted issue is solvable, and that’s where other solutions come in – like simply being self aware. After all, no one human being is perfect.

For example, I know that for me, before I make the decision to achieve something, I struggle with fear and self doubt alot. Infact, I’ll convince myself of all the reasons I’m not good enough.

Once I dug down to the root cause of my fear, I realised I struggle with fear and self doubt because of various experiences I had in my teenagehood.

So what’s the solution?

If I don’t work on healing from my bad experiences, then it means that fear is something I’ll prolly live with for the rest of my life. But by realising what makes me fear, I’m able to address that, consequently, make fear a none issue and move towards my goals much easier.

Understanding yourself and why you are the way you are requires COMPLETE HONESTY. So, I’ll invite you to sit down, pull out your magnifying glass and dig deep down. Investigate yourself, seek to understand why you are the way you are.

SENDING THE GPS DEEP is a post dedicated to all my readers who want to do 2022 unafraid. You are powerful, you are fearless, you are unstoppable. Don’t be afraid to send the GPS deep.

Cheers to doing it unafraid. 🥂

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I just noticed my tank tops aren’t fitting.🙊 I’m going to look for my oversized shirt to wear to an event I’m attending this evening.


Signing out,



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