I don’t know if I can do this??🤔
Life can be hard, but we always have a choice to determine how we react to whatever it throws our way. To be a person of impact, sometimes you have to conquer the most difficult of situations. And that’s just life.
You are also, always, at free will to choose whether you want to be a stressor, a dabbler, or an achiever (will talk about these 3 kinds of people in another blog post). However, if you want to have a higher staying power and be an achiever, here’s the 3 things you have to conquer:
♡Conquer yourself – Overcome your fears: fears of falling short, fears of failure, fears of not measuring up. Overcome them with faith that there is only one you. Yes, there can be another Anne, Alex, Brenda or Dave, but none can be you. You can’t be like me, similarly I can’t be you. And that’s your power because God purposely created each and every one, unique in our own way(s).
♡Conquer others – So many times people will tell you it’s not meant for you, you won’t make it, you can’t do it. People will put you down, but you can conquer them by surrounding yourself with people who uplift, support and mentor you.
♡Conquer for a purpose – What is your end goal? What motivates you to keep going even when the whole world seems to be against you? What are you working so hard to conquer for?
To conquer for a purpose, you must conquer your deepest fears and conquer what others perceive of you. No man or woman is limited, and we all can conquer and shine for the purpose which God placed us on earth to accomplish. Have a conviction that will keep you going no matter how tough things get.
Go out and be your own king or queen, conquer the world my lovelies!♥️
Signing out…