Sarafina Nyawira
Finding inspiration | Goals | Goal setting | Working on self.
+254 763-254-916
Nairobi, Kenya


What I learnt: #Confidence.

Confidence! Confidence! Confidence!

Confidence is not an easy trait to master. It takes days, months or even years to gain, and considering how long it can take to build, it’s sad how equally short of a time it can take to destroy.

As a title holder, 2019 was the year my confidence got tested the most. This prolly being my first time as a public figure, I went through experiences that tested my patience times without number.

Instagram post highlighting the summary of my reign

My biggest confidence shaker during that time was comments people would make. Some would go like, “For a Miss, you wear too little makeup.” Or “For a Miss, you’re too fat! I literally could take in anything people threw my way, but when it came to bashing my body type, all calm just flew out the window.😂 And such comments were the least of bashful comments thrown my way.


Find an anchor – With time, I definitely got better at taking in ridicule and a few months into my reign, I got comfortable. My anchor was the fact that I had been graced with such an amazing platform, which was more important than people’s perspectives about me anyway. I wanted to use my platform to inspire people, and that was a bigger purpose that I chose to focus on.

What’s your support system like? – We’ve all heard this: Not everyone who claps for you is for you. Be mindful of the friends you’re keeping, and know whom to tell what. Every person has 4 different types of friends: confidants, cheerleaders, coaches and critiques (will talk about this in another blog post). Its important to evaluate your friends and while building confidence, stay close to the cheerleader. He/She is such a person who can support you through your journey, considering your win their win.

You flow so different when the right people are watering you!♥️

Find your source of inspiration – As an introvert, I draw inspiration internally. During my reign, my source of inspiration in this case for example, was following through the journey of other queens. My biggest inspiration, was Miss USA 2018, Sarah Rose Summers. I identified most to her because like me, she is not the typical model either. Like me, she’s not plump, neither is she slender. And being Miss USA people bashed her for her body type but the way she handled it showed so much grace and composure, consequently, motivating me with strength to handle myself in a similar manner.

Sarah Rose Summers, Miss USA 2018.

Let it slide – Letting things slide is such a powerful tool while building confidence! Like when you’re at peace, you are so comfortable with whom you are that nobody can dim your sparkle. Also, learn to filter what you take in from people. Not everything they’ll say about you or your journey is true, and most times, people just talk when you show strength over what is weaknesses to them. So don’t lower your zeal or confidence. Let it slide and keep going!

Work in silence – When working towards your goals, dreams and ambitions, it’s important to keep things to yourself and those whom you really trust. This will help prevent naysayers from messing with your mind, energy, esteem and confidence. Working in private and winning in public is soo sweet yaani, when you achieve your confidence is boosted ten times more.😍

Hope this read was worth your time!

Till next time lovelies!♥️

Sera Inspire.❣


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