Sarafina Nyawira
Finding inspiration | Goals | Goal setting | Working on self.
+254 763-254-916
Nairobi, Kenya


Understanding Age Groupings of Children for better results.

One key goal of any lesson is to achieve lesson objectives. When lesson objectives are achieved, the children are transformed by your lesson. One of the most crucial factors towards ensuring that lesson objectives are met, is the age of the children. The ability of children to concentrate is proportionate with their age. The younger the children, the lower their concentration spans. Age-grouping of Children:Children should be grouped in class according to their ages or their classes in formal schooling. An understanding of a child’s God-given stages of development will help the teacher to have realisticexpectations and will help facilitate age appropriate activities in a positive learning environment. For...

This could be why your KidsMin Department is not growing…

Okay, let's all admit to this; If you've been privileged to serve in KidsMin, you know just how much of time and patience it could take to get the ministry to where you want it to be. Such progress could take months, even years to accomplish!😥 In this week's blog post, I highlight five reasons as to what could be the causes that are preventing your Children's Ministry Department from growing, and how you can work against them towards building a stronger and healthier foundation for the Department.😉 ✔Taking Quick Fixes. Raise your hand if you are used to taking to short-term tactics during times of emergencies...

The Wordless Book!

PLEASE DON'T SCROLL PAST THIS! I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU SALVATION THROUGH THE EYES OF A CHILD! Children are visual beings. What they see in their young days is retained in their minds for longer than you may think they will ever remember. Have you ever heard of The Wordless Book? Let's learn The concept of The Wordless Book. The first colour is YELLOW to represent GOLD. Gold reminds children of Heaven where God resides with all His goodness. He created us and wants us to live in heaven with Him. The next colour, DARK, represents SIN. A child understands that they cannot get to heaven when they do "bad things". RED...

The Spiritual Basket.

It is substantial to have a few items that children can use, not only in Sunday School, but also at home to help know more about Jesus, and the concept of Christianity as a whole. For example, how do you answer to a child when they ask why we go to church? And after church on Sunday, then what? Having a few minutes everyday where children can engage in reading and understanding the Bible is very important; be it after school, just before their evening meals or before they go to bed, it really doesn't matter when. The important thing is that time is spent knowing a little...

Qualities to Nurture in Children Ministry Teachers.

Sunday school teachers must never lose sight of how significant their role is. They need to teach The Bible carefully so as not to lead children into error or misunderstanding. Teaching children is both a privilege and a responsibility: a privilege to be able to teach children about God, and a responsibility to teach faithfully. That said, should you want to recruit new teachers for your ministry, here are some of the qualities you should look for, and aim to nurture: What qualities should a Sunday School Teacher exude? 1. THEY SHOULD BE GODLY MODELS. As a Sunday School Teacher, they are a significant adult in the lives of the...

Basics For Every Beginner Sunday School Teacher.

Beginning can be tough, it can be challenging, but it's also the best experience one can ever have (once you get used to it🤗). So here are 9 tips to help you get used to teaching and handling young kids as fast as possible! Know the ages of the children - A good teacher needs to know the ages of the children they are teaching. Their levels of understanding and concentration are different, hence the need to group them in ages and come up with age-appropriate material for each age group of children. Prepare ahead of time - Kids that see their teacher unprepared or unorganized will translate that...

5 Lesson Ideas for Sunday School.

When I started out in Kids' Ministry, I was entirely clueless. I, for one, had no idea what to do, I had had no prior experience but in my heart I knew I was meant for KidsMin. I took to watching lots of videos and tutorials just to get ideas of how to go about it. If you are a beginner teacher and wondering what to teach kids on your first day, here are some bible lesson ideas that may get you through: 1. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Come up with a mnemonic. With the kids I taught, our mnemonic was: Winnie(Worship) Is(Idols) Very(Vain) Keen(Keep) Her(Honor) ...

Investing in Children As The Church of Tomorrow.

I remember on this one day I went to church, and after mass, the priest who had presided over mass gave instructions that no one should leave the church before the announcements had been read. And he gave a very important speech afterwards, one that lingers on in my mind 10 years later. Give a child the right upbringing He had noticed that most of the young ones had not given offering, and if they had, most had given Kshs 10 or Kshs 20 coins. His address was to the parents, and he highly discouraged this, reminding them that the children were still growing, and what they learnt as...

Let The Little Ones Come To Me.

Do you ever wonder why there's an allocation at all for Children in Ministry? Or do you just take your child to Sunday School because it's the norm? The answer to these questions is in Matthew 19:14. Jesus was intentional about ministering to children because He knew their value. The kingdom of God belongs to those such as children, why because there's a lot of perspective about real life issues that are crystal clear when you train your mind to look at them through the eyes of a child. A child's mind is innocent and clear. Let the little ones come to me! There is no "perfect" time as to...